In the Heart of Festive India: A Maikai Holiday

In the Heart of Festive India: A Maikai Holiday

As the vibrant festive season unfolds in India, I find myself reflecting on how the year has treated me, and it's a moment of both looking back and looking within. It's a time to assess my personal goals, to count my blessings, and to appreciate that life has a way of surprising us, often in unexpected but incredibly meaningful ways. Every year, as I embrace the festivities, I can't help but take a moment to consider the journey I've been on. The year's ups and downs, its challenges and victories, all find their place in my reflections. I think about the goals I set at the beginning of the year and how they've evolved with time. Some might not have materialized in the exact way I anticipated, but I've come to realize that life often gives us more than we ask for – just not always in the way we expected. The surprises and blessings that come our way are often in areas where we truly deserve to receive.
October 26, 2023 — Vidya Sethi
The Poetry of Block Printing: A Slow Journey in Textile Design

The Poetry of Block Printing: A Slow Journey in Textile Design

Hand block printing of textiles is a craft that whispers through the corridors of time, a craft deeply rooted in the art of slow creation, a craft that has been passed down through generations. It is a dance of patience, precision, and a profound connection to the past. It's a meticulous process that involves the creation of intricate patterns on fabric using wooden or metal blocks. This age-old technique carries a rich history and ancestral values that makes it timeless. In the heart of this lies the essence of Maikai- slow & mindful way of creating.


October 06, 2023 — Vidya Sethi
In the Gentle Embrace of Slow Living

In the Gentle Embrace of Slow Living

In a world that often races towards the next big thing, there's a certain magic in slowing down, savouring moments, and choosing the path less traveled. At Maikai, I have woven this magic into the very fabric of the brand, where slow living isn't just a concept; it's a way of life.
September 14, 2023 — Vidya Sethi
The Story of Maikai

The Story of Maikai

2017-19 marks a period of life changing moments for me. It began with the end of a year long fairytale romance which once felt like ‘the one’, followed by a big promotion at my past job and ‘the actual one’ finding me somewhere in between.

This time though, I wasn’t swept into a whirlwind of romance, like the romantic that I am. This didn’t feel like butterflies or shooting stars. It was a rather gentle brush of cold air on my neck, while I waltzed across the city of dreams, holding hands with someone that perhaps, felt like home.

Let’s save this love story for another time though, because this chapter isn't about me. It’s about you.

June 09, 2022 — Vidya Sethi